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Time Is Relative…. In The Workplace

November 7th 2018

An individual’s perception of time changes with age… and thus, so does an individual’s perception of hourly labor.

And when explaining special relativity, Einstein once said, “if you sit on a burning cinder for 1 minute, it will feel like an hour, but if you spend an hour with someone you love, it will feel like 1 minute and that’s relativity. Regardless, I find that a similar explanation… is even more applicable, in modern times. Furthermore, I also believe that anyone can grasp this concept, given enough thought and patience.

Time never changes… but a life form’s individual perception of time… does change… as the individual gets older and that can be expressed through the following formula;

[1 second / x (where x = a life form’s age)] = that individual’s perception of time.

Meaning that... 1 second / X expresses an individual’s perception of time, where X equals all of the time that that individual has perceived in life, thus far (IE age).

But let me repeat that again. The formula, “1 second / X,” describes in mathematics, OUR INDIVIDUAL PERCEPTION OF TIME, NOT THE TIME ITSELF BUT HOW WE PERCEIVE IT, where X = an individual’s age. For example, a life form that has existed for only 1 second would then perceive time as; 1 second / 1 second... and that 1 second... would in essence become that being’s entire life, so time for that particular being would then be perceived only in terms of 1 second, making 1 second all of time, to that individual... Henceforth, in contrast, an 85 year old life-form would simultaneously perceive time as; 1 second / 85 years, making 1 second feel far less important to that individual because that individual has become far more conditioned to time itself.

Now, to take this point... one step further... where this formula becomes particularly interesting science is in the psychology of work and labor... whereby, I believe that this formula illustrates how working at a younger age is actually FAR MORE DIFFICULT PSYCHOLOGICALLY, than it is when your older... because of how we perceive time itself. Nevertheless, this is especially true in terms of, “hourly pay systems,” which are common in the US today. Long story short, from a scientific perspective... hourly labor actually does become easier as you get older, particularly in terms of how individual’s perceive time itself, in my opinion.

Just a thought.

-William Larsen