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Before We All Kill Eachother…
And The Practicality
Of Dyson Sphere's

January 24th 2025

(This is probably similar to some obscure / declassified, 1984 copy, of what I assume was a nuclear peace treaty.)

The thought of a Dyson Sphere surrounding our Sun might seem like a, "next century idea."

The, "Dyson Sphere," is a conceptual space structure designed with the goal of redirecting our Sun's light into concentrated power station's which could then create unlimited renewable energy for the people of Earth. But this feels like a far off or unpractical goal in our society, something akin to science fiction. Though, what if this idea of a Dyson Sphere wasn't so unpractical? And to be clear, we’re talking about a limitless supply of fully renewable energy at stake here.

Whereby, a Dyson Sphere, named after Freeman Dyson, is a theoretical space structure designed to harness a star’s energy (like our Sun). Modern scientist's, however, have refined this concept into a more practical application called a, "Dyson Swarm," in which a collection of satellite's could theoretically orbit the Sun and then redirect it’s energy into concentrated beams pointed towards Mercury, whereby, Ai robot's could then collect and ship that energy back to the Earth!

For a wonderful animated short explaining this concept I’ve looked to, “Kurzgesagt,” on Youtube. Video here.

“Kurzgesagt,” German for, “in short,” is a wonderful animation studio that discusses all sorts of neo-futuristic concepts (such as Dyson Sphere’s and modern plagues) on Youtube. And this particular video of their's, linked above, creates the sense that building a, “Dyson Swarm,” around our Sun... might actually become practical and methodical within our lifespan!

Even with their data sources obscured by the fun animation in the video, the point is clear that with the ambition to create;

-Ai robot's to operate machinery on Mercury.
-Satellite's capable of withstanding high heat from orbiting our Sun.
-a Rail Gun to shoot satellite's into space and possibly battery’s back to Earth.
-rockets to dispose of electronic/radioactive waste

As well as...

-Ai and robot's to power an elaborate system of satellite mirrors and electric factory’s on Mercury.

...That today... in practicality, the human race is only a proverbial, “hop, skip and a jump away,” from unlocking the technology to actually create some form of a primitive, “Dyson Swarm,” both orbiting our Sun and operating on Mercury!”

In fact, the Rail Gun needed to shoot satellite's into space… the Chinese government green lit research and development for in 2016, and has been diligently working toward creating ever since. This technology, if created strong enough to actually thrust payloads into space without the need for rockets or fuel… then might give humans the capability to transport the necessary materials back and forth between Mercury and the Earth, for a Dyson Swarm.

Also, Space X, for the last 4-5 years has been creating advanced satellite systems, not unlike those needed for a futuristic Dyson Swarm, with their STARLINK internet endeavor, bringing internet to every corner of the Earth… a seemingly pre-requisite course to further technological advancement.

Also, Space X’s pursuit (along with NASA) to colonize Mars, with crewed missions to Mars already; financed, ordered and planned by both Space X and NASA and set for 2028-2031, will also give humans a real option when it comes to building structures on other planets. In fact, so much so, that colonizing Saturn’s moon Titan and Jupiter’s moon Europa, are also being discussed today… intergalactic landmass’ which contain WATER. This advancement then brings forth the possibility that humans might soon be able to send Ai robotics to Mercury, with the intention to build a power station and operate a power station necessary for a Dyson Swarm!

Coupled with;
-Advances in Ai and robotics.
-Advances in rocket tech.
-Advances in satellite tech.

And with perhaps a little luck in international affairs… today, this idea of putting an actual electrical station on Mercury and a Dyson Swarm in the air... is no longer science fiction! And perhaps then this possibility of colonizing Titan and terra-forming Venus become real options, as well! So that path forward exists, now, in almost practical terms... concerning space science... and that path of evolution is actually occurring here on Earth, in terms of scientific development today! But what about the possibility of a war? What if a nuclear war stops all of that from happening? And what if we never build a Dyson Swarm at all and instead choose to finger point and bicker over international accomplishments and pre-requisite funding? Another futuristic concept that I love from Kurzgesat is their video on the SPACE/SKY HOOK, also found here… Video here.

But again... this is one “general path” that’s forming in the elite world of tech today. Yet, how realistic is the development of that tech in terms of our national budget versus say welfare spending? Which cuts to the heart of government welfare programs and Darwinism within our society.

Furthermore, several concepts in this article stem from the Youtube channel Kurzgesat. And you might’ve thought, "who are these Kurzgesat guys?" "Who is this scientific conundrum of an animation studio in Germany, ranking a measly 224 on Youtube’s global channel rankings?"

And should Kurzgesat not be ranked more like 10-11 on YouTube’s global channel rankings… and why aren’t they ranked higher? Why don’t we hear more about these concepts and ideas? I was never taught any of this in school! Is that because the masses are typically too ignorant to care for these concepts? And how does our Democracy move forward on topics such as these? Without a nuclear war?

-William Larsen, Founder of Civilians News

-William Larsen, Founder, Civilians News