So this is my resume… which I send to prospective employer's in order to; earn a daily income, one day own a home, start a family and ultimately
survive on the streets of NYC and LA, today;
William Larsen
Age 38
1499 Arapahoe
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: 1-310-XXX-XXXX
(2004-2009) - Central Michigan University - Bachelors degree - Pre-law major, marketing minor.
(2009-2010)- St Thomas University School Of Law – 1L, 1 year of law school.
I have not, “called-in to work,” for any reason… since 2014.
So for the last 10+ years I have not missed 1 single day of scheduled work and that’s an ongoing/active streak.
Work Experience:
February – May 2024: Dunkin Donuts –
-Santa Monica
-Coffee, cashier and breakfast cook
October 2023 – January 2024: Chipotle –
-Cook and Cashier
August 2023 - September: Gerlach’s Bowling Alley - Hospitality
-Davison, Michigan
July 2023 – August 2023: HTF Hydraulic Tubing and Fitting – Steel worker
-Davison, Michigan
-Steel work
April 2023 – May 2023: Punch Tavern
-(London, England)
September 2022 – March 2023: The Pony Bar and Grille
-(Cincinnati, Ohio.)
-bartender assistant/ food runner
January 2022 – May 2022: Bird Dog Restaurant
-(10th street on the lower west side - NYC.)
-dish prep.
October 2021 – December 2021: Brooklyn Dinner
-(Times Square.)
June 2019 – September 2019: CMX Cinema and Theaters
- (62nd St. Upper East Side, Manhattan.)
January 2019 – May 2019: Grand Central Station – Food hall
- (42nd and Lexington, Manhattan.)
September 2018 – December 2018: Russell Morgan Law Group
- (Brighton Beach, Brooklyn)
May 2018 - August 2018: Del Frisco’s Grille - Rockefeller Plaza
- (50th and 6th Ave., Manhattan.)
March 2018 - May 2018: Nachimovsky Law Firm
- (220 Broadway, Manhattan.)
(212) 267-1157 (Yoram Nachimovsky, Owner/Attorney.)
September 2017 – March 2018: Llama Inn - Restaurant
- (Meeker St., Brooklyn.)
(718) 387-3434 (Chef Erik)
About Me:
I also speak 200+ words of Russian.
-William Larsen, Thank you for your time.
PS: You can reach me 24/7/365, by email… and I’d love to schedule an interview.
( ***preferred)
And I’ve been, “building this resume,” along with my Ai startup at and my record label at, since 2011.
But my first job, actually, which I don’t even include anymore because people often find it to be a lengthy work history or perhaps unfitting compared to my other job's... but my first job after college was as a personal assistant for an ex-Yahoo executive, running online marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 company’s like Nickelodeon and Mountain Dew. But I don't even mention that one anymore. And to be honest that guy (*although decorated in tech) was kind of a weirdo... and he basically abducted me after college and he moved me out to Oregon with him... to work on his start-up, with him. So I don't know how to feel about that one, either.
*By the way his name was Dennis Yu and his company lost about 500k US dollars / per year but survived the market on his parent's credibility in the hardware industry over in China, and despite about 1,000,000$ in yearly income back in 2012, Dennis would constantly set off with his parent's money, literally just jet-setting to big, "tech conferences." Or more simply put, Dennis would make 1 million and spend 2. His parent's allegedly made 300,000,000$ in the 1980's designing a micro-chip and they funded his whole company, including my wages, but it was weird and he made me live with him. He's best friends with Mark Zuckerburg. He bragged that Mark had once set-up a meeting with him, I guess they were really good friends.
So, often times I now omit that first, “real job,” opportunity (*along with the work that I did before that at; Orchard Lake Country Club, Benito’s Pizza and Taco Bell... from 2002-2009, while I was still in High School and college) because frankly, employer’s often do not like to see such an; honest, accurate and lengthy work history. However, to some extent I actually take PRIDE in all of these, "blue collar job experiences," with 20-30 restaurants listed on my resume in big bold ink. Furthermore, I’m left countless times to explain to people how in NYC restaurants close quite often and that only a handful of those jobs ended in a dispute.
Nevertheless, the point here is that my resume is HONEST. I don't lie. I don't exaggerate. I even leave out the part about my Ai startup and my own LLC, PDX Larsen LLC... because it often comes off as, "bragging," particularly in a restaurant setting when I talk about Ai. And in all honesty, it’s not a great resume. It’s not a perfect resume, however, this is an HONEST resume. Whereby, anyone who has actually worked in the private sector might notice that job turnover is quite routine now in Corporate America, all the way from Silicone Valley to the Taco Bell’s in Miami and while it might not seem, “ideal,” to hire a job candidate who has bounced around so many restaurants… the reality is that;
1: I have NOT missed 1 day of scheduled work since 2014 *0 sick days, 0 time off and I’m college educated.
2: Most of those jobs failed because of ownership and management, to which I’ve NEVER been an owner or the manager of a restaurant, despite running a fairly successful Ai startup since 2016 and a fledgling hip hop label since 2012. And despite busting my ass for some of these restaurant owners in NYC and elsewhere, I've never been promoted to management in 15 years of restaurant work!
But just look at… my, “news blog,” that Apple so generously ignored before creating, “Apple News,” last year. I write an article fairly consistently, in fact, I write just like I jog or exercise, perhaps out of habit due to the 25 years of public schooling that I've endured here in America. Nevertheless, you see right here that I have a consistent work ethic. In fact, only recently have I become frustrated with the politics concerning these, “essays,” on Civilians News, which I've always done as philanthropy.
Yet, despite a decent college degree from an accredited University, experience in 3-4 fields… including journalism, and a handful of good references… people DO NOT like to hire me!
And part of the reason for that... is this resume.
In fact, just today someone at DANNY’s PIZZA in Brentwood, CA... one of the snobbier upper class neighborhoods in Los Angeles… commented that I wasn’t, “the type of employee," that he would like to hire because, "I’d changed jobs too many times,” aand while many, particularly older Americans... might view that comment by Danny's Pizza as a fair criticism… it’s really not a fair judgment versus my modern, 38 year old, 10 years of perfect work attendance + owner of my own company's... opinion.
Also, most restaurant owner's that I've dealt with have simply preferred to hire female and Mexican employee's who they were more comfortable with giving direction to.
Overlooking me, firing me or simply cutting my hours and hoping... thinking... I'll quit... (*in fact Jay Z attempted to make me quit in rap, also) not because of my disobiedence or my laziness but because of the restaurant owner's insecurity in me working underneath them as a white male.
However that works.
In fact, my Step Brother on disability and my Father on disability... they laugh about how, "broke that I am," despite how often that I work. In fact, their welfare pays better. And they often tell me that I should just, "claim to be disabled," or, "just go to the hospital and get on disability," or to, "claim that I need rehab to take a break," when I don't do drugs or need either such a thing.
And when I refuse to take food stamps and government assistance then my immediate family gets mad at me! Probably fearing that I'll trouble them for 5-10$ for laundry money.
but most employer's today in NYC and LA... simply do not... and now-a-days they prefer to hire: their own kids, little girls, young teens and pilled out LIARS.
By the way, I'm a heterosexual (*despite being propositioned sex by 2 male bosses and after being forced to live with 2 others), I take 0mg of medication and I jog regularly, unlike most of my bosses...
So, Arian Foster might be retiring early... **drops mic**
-William Larsen, Founder, Civilians News