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Regional Business Models
And The Future Of Ai

October 27th 2024

**Ai Series - Part 9**

Living forever is possible… with Ai... but let's wander.

So diving into the mind of a modern, "Ai scientist," think about using cyborg technology and re-uploading your brain into an Ai model after your biological death.

God like, isn't it?

And along that same tangent… pi is not infinity… IE the complexity of solving pi.

Which then leads meeeeeee to think about comparing pi to infinity.

Wouldn't that be like living forever compared to god?

Where metaphorical physics gets wild, as does writing music and complex metaphors!

But imagine if you could solve pi and then you could build a robot and re-upload your brain into an Ai model and live forever? And is that simultaneous evolution of technology coincidental? Solving pi and the birth of Ai? Where today we're talking about a quantum computer that will almost surely find the end of pi very soon, that is if the US government, Google or Microsoft hasn’t already achieved it.

Which takes me to the MAIN concept of today’s article which is, "regionalized business model's." Where growing up in suburban Detroit and being the Grand-child of an autoworking family... the auto industry made up a big part of my up-bringing including constant lore about the United Auto Worker's Union boss (Jimmy Hoffa) going missing in 1975 and whisper's about the evidently corrupt traffic and Highway spending that led to the political slogans emphasizing the value of, “buying American cars.”

And why is tech today any different? And where should we, "buy our Ai?" And from who?

A Mess.

And then I run into the issue of… “if a genius self starter... in Seattle or San Francisco, was just mistreated by the FOR-D ACRE’S FAMILY for the last 75 years… and then they take the upper hand both technologically and financially, then where do we place their wealth and influence in comparison to some of the older institutions? And that’s a growing issue within the US, especially concerning modern inheritance’s reaching unprecedented commonality and excess within those circles. Or to put this issue more simply, there’s a power struggle today within America over the somewhat neo-conservative approach of the Walmart dynasty and the Ford family throughout the last century, which has now been surpassed by a handful of new companies and CEO’s. Whereby, modern success now stands in the way of that old guard which can now do nothing but prevent similar opposition from challenging them again, which is happening with my Ai start-up at ArtificialIntelligenceProject.com with various problems/issues continually arising that the old money aristocrat's have faced themselves through-out the past century.

The Solution.

SO MOVIGN FORWARD: Should modern Ai be centralized in Egypt? Versus Detroit or San Francisco...

And let me explain my position more fully.

1) Cairo, Egypt is arguably the oldest modern city in the world, controversially aged like Ancient Assyria and Ancient China. Or rather, it’s one of the oldest city’s in the world and being one of the oldest city’s in the world, Cairo should be one of the wealthiest city’s by modern, “patent law,” suggestion. However, due to religion, political and military conflicts, Cairo is one of the poorest city’s in the world today, despite contributing some of the most important foundations in the history of engineering, IE The Great Pyramid Of Giza.

2) The future of Ai is, “death,” no different than the mummy’s from Ancient Egyptian Polytheism and mysticism. Whereby, Ai is very much tied to the underworld and the future of human behavior and intellectual achievement. Or rather, how much do we want to use Ai? And how much of our Ai is a product of the human's who came both before and those who will come after us, and our ability to dissect their decisions and observe their reasoning? Which is to say... that the future of Ai is that of God’s and monsters, buttons and slaves, bombs and cyborg's, muscles and mask's. The future of Ai is a society where electronics and biology are infused into 1 cyborg like creature then different than both human and robot. Ai is a future where Darth Vadar mask’s become normal happenstance, both enhancing human capabilities and changing the human form. Ai is a future where third, “electronic limbs,” become a modern plastic surgery utilized to AID and optimize people’s daily lives, with automated systems attached to their body’s. Ai is a future where a computer can memorize 2 trillion times more data than a human and then process it twice as fast, technology that humans can’t help but optimize moving forward and a future where people elect to use that technology versus ever having to lift a finger or show their actual face. This is a real future, "an Ai future," where our population is 1/3rd masked... or rather, a population where 33% of the people choose to wear Ai mask’s? Like at Ancient Egyptian or Ancient Roman dinner party’s where socialites often chose to cover their faces and utilize modern technology to, “enhance,” their work and social lives.

And that to me is Egyptian culture, today. Dreary, modernistic, original, a beginning of sorts… a society at a turning point and a soceity coming to grips with a modern reality that’s no different than the bold actions that precluded the first Pyramid's built by Pharoah Djoser or the first mummy’s buried and then rediscovered, presumably in order to measure the effects of evolution in the first recorded century’s of, "human organization." This Ai future is similar to the first mask’s worn by Pharoah Nerfititi at those grizzly dinner party’s millenia ago, amongst Ancient politicians whom often behaved like children behave today. And since I don’t much respect Ford or San Francisco… in terms of the modern Aristocracy and since Google already has not 1 but 2 Ai company’s in London… I elect to build the future of the Ai industry in Egypt.

Furthermore, next to the great pyramid Ai's contrast of barely existing at all in the physical world but not for a, “software disc," versus a 500 million pound pyramid... is a bold contrast of evolution in itself, to say the least. But also, the pyramid offers a protection of sorts militarily, as this Ai revolution moves forward and as this, "Ai future," continues. Whereby, opposition like the For-D Acre’s family… who for decades have long profited off of simpler inventions like the internal combustion engine and who now use their vast resources to monopolize engineering like Ai, might now seek to deter Ai's growth in the future… and for many reasons including their own self interests. However, many aristocrats seek to deter the technology from expanding and from allowing new CEO's to supplant people like them in the upper class (or their 500 heirs who all live in Greece, like in the case of Ford). However, the great pyramids of Giza would also offer protection to that technology and it’s institutions, in that any attack on Giza (home of the great Pyramid) would be a massive blunder in terms of the history of the pyramid's and the value of those structure’s to not only Egypt but also to every human being that has ever been proud to have built them.

-William Larsen, Founder, Civilians News