December 12th 2016
The Empire State Building will turn 100 years old, in 2030 and in many ways this building is a testament to American engineering, as well as a symbol of America itself. And home to 21k American employees, roughly 450 million pounds of body-weight stand on it’s 80 year old frame… everyday… which in many ways symbolizes to me the 350 million Americans, whose daily commerce is often legislated here, within the confines of New York, New York.
Yet, this leads me to wonder, “what is the future of NYC architecture and architecture abroad? And will towering skyscrapers of the past, like the Empire State Building, stand for 500 years? 200 years? Or even 1,000 years… into the future?”
Whereby, the experts claim that the Empire State Building could stand for 500 years if properly maintained. Nevertheless, in an unnatural concrete world the intimidating facade of NYC may one day be forced to, “evolve,” as technology does the same.
And this creates cultural shift in society, which in many ways can come to personify cities like New York.
So what is the future of these buildings? How long will they last? And will their be newer and taller skyscrapers, forever? Because recently in the Middle East, the Burj Khalifa was built at 2,500 feet into the air, however this was so high that construction workers could see the curvature of Earth, with clear definition from it’s peak. Yet, I ask, “what is the purpose of such heights? What is the symbolism? And would you climb 2,500 feet into the air for your boss? And is that humane to ask your employees to do so?”
Because at some point… people must question labor laws, in terms of these dynamic construction projects. And furthermore, I perceive this as a government issue, whereby a 1,000 foot maximum for future skyscrapers… might be in order.
Because look at Burj Khalifa… what is that building saying? Google search, "Burj Khalifa."
Google search the view of a dampened economy, seemingly mocking the US with an honest reality of free market economics. Just look at the way this building is stacked on top of itself, with multiple cylinders and I believe that this style of architecture, serves as both a beacon to it’s society, as well as a religious symbol. Yet, allegorically speaking, I believe that this building symbolizes people using role models (like the building’s cylinders), to build greater, “heights,” in spirituality and economics.
Nevertheless, this building begs the question, what is too high? Because to me this style of art, symbolism and architecture… intertwined… often feels morbid in a sense, particularly because such heights can be grossly inhumane to laborers, who are actually building these behemoth skyscrapers.
And look at the new, “Park Avenue Building,” in downtown NYC. 4-3-2… Park Avenue.
Clearly these buildings mark NYC’s growth, strength, and future direction. Nevertheless, in cities like Detroit… over-building, building too tall and too big, has also lead to cultural deterioration.
Because when does it end?
How do we fix it? Or do we just pour more concrete, out on the concrete graveyard?
Well, Civilians News has a proposal…
The old style of architecture cannot last… we cannot pour enough concrete into NYC… in order to maintain this, “Gotham-esque appearance,” forever. Building taller and taller, financing new construction projects every 10-15 years… feels rashly irresponsible both economically and from a labor perspective to me so change is necessary, plus: this tear down and rebuild method of city planning… simply won’t work forever.
So… what I propose, before half of NYC’s penthouses start to lean over… is to augment these buildings with new and dynamic biological architecture.
Because how do you essentially, “enhance,” the structure of a 200 year old, 1,300 foot symbol of American dexterity?
I propose this and call it ideal, call it naive… call it Da Vinci.
But imagine towers surrounding the buildings, open to light, like cable towers…. but I propose those towers have trees growing inside of them. And then I propose that those trees could then root all the way to the ground, essentially to create natural reinforcements, for aging skyscrapers. Yes, tree towers… 1,200 feet high, with roots growing to the ground… and I suggest that we use these tree towers to enhance the structure of aging skyscrapers, like the Empire State Building, in order to preserve these buildings, possibly into the next millennia.
-William Larsen, Civilians News